Is Strength Training the Fountain of Youth?

Strength training has been shown to have numerous benefits for overall health and wellness, and can even help to slow down the aging process.

First and foremost, strength training helps to build and maintain muscle mass, which naturally declines as we age. This can help to improve balance, stability, and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and other accidents. It also improves physical function, allowing individuals to perform daily activities with more ease and independence.

Strength training has also been shown to improve bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Additionally, it can increase metabolism, helping to control weight and reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

Beyond physical benefits, strength training can also have a positive impact on mental health. Exercise in general has been shown to reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, and strength training is no exception. It can also improve self-esteem, body image, and confidence, promoting a more positive outlook on life.

To stay young through strength training, it’s important to incorporate both resistance and weights into your workouts, focusing on all major muscle groups. It’s also important to regularly increase the weights you’re using to continue challenging your muscles and promoting growth.

It’s important to remember to warm up before each workout and cool down afterwards, as well as to listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard. If you’re new to strength training, it’s a good idea to work with a professional trainer to develop a safe and effective workout plan that takes into account your individual needs and goals.

Strength training is a great way to stay young and maintain health and wellness as we age. By building and maintaining muscle mass, improving physical function, and promoting mental well-being, strength training can help us age gracefully and enjoy a better quality of life.

Until Next Time,

Dr. Michael Guadagnino

Chiropractic Physician

To reach Dr. Guadagnino at his Ramsey, NJ office: email and follow him on Instagram @Dr._Guadagnino & YouTube @Dr.MichaelGuadagnino

You’re NOT Going to Burn Fat and Lose Weight if You Don’t Move

You would like to lose weight and burn fat. The first step is to monitor your nutritional intake, the second is to exercise. Movement is vital to encouraging your metabolism to function at a high level. When you cut down on the number of calories you consume, your body will naturally try to slow your metabolism in an attempt to preserve energy.  Some form of physical training is important to keep your body working at its normal metabolic balance and ultimately pushing to increase that level during exercise. What types of workouts can you do?

Aerobic exercise always seems to be the “go to” training when it comes to weight loss. This includes running, biking, floor exercises or anything that has you moving fast and sweating a lot. Aerobic activity burns the calories that are currently circulating in your system. These quick reaching energy sources go directly to your muscles, organs and lungs to fuel your body’s continuous motion. To foster fat burn, don’t feed yourself a diet rich in calories after your exercise. This will simply replace those calories you just burned, and not do what you hoped to achieve; empty your fat stores as they replace those recently expended calories. Aerobic exercise is great for weight loss, as long as it is part of a caloric deficit diet.

Weightlifting is commonly not thought of as a way to lose weight…..but it actually is. A common misconception is that using weights is only good for muscle gain. Of course, it is for muscle gain and reshaping your body, but it is also good for weight loss. As you are lifting weights you are burning calories. These physical actions will build more lean muscle which allows you to burn calories all day and night. This is due to new muscle will feed off fat stored in your body and will use it as fuel. As you advance and your strength increases, you should boost your weights, sets and over all intensity of your workouts. Keep building that lean muscle and burning those calories. Eating right and strength training creates the healthy ingredient to weight loss.

Hight Intensity Interval Training is another great program for weight loss. HIIT allows you to work hard at short intervals. This increases your body’s demand for calories as it maintains your oxygen levels after the work out is complete. This is called “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption” and it is a great way to boost your metabolic rate while burning calories even after your work out. Some say HIIT might be the best exercise for weight loss. It’s a tough workout, it may fatigue you afterwards but the rewards can be phenomenal.

There are various ways you could achieve your weight loss goals. Calorie deficit is always the beginning, but make sure you do some exercise that will keep your metabolism running. Which ever brand of exercise you choose don’t skip, work hard and be disciplined.

Until Next Time,

Dr. Michael Guadagnino

Chiropractic Physician

To reach Dr. Guadagnino at his Ramsey, NJ office: email and follow him on Instagram @Dr._Guadagnino & YouTube @Dr.MichaelGuadagnino