How to Successfully Cheat on Your Healthy Habits for the Holidays

While the notion of “cheating” on your diet is not recommended for a sustainable and healthy lifestyle, during the holidays it is sometimes an unavoidable pleasure. If you’ve had a day of indulgence and are looking to reset the next day, a combination of fasting and exercise can be an option.

The day after indulging, consider incorporating intermittent fasting into your routine. This involves establishing specific periods of fasting, allowing your body to regulate its insulin levels and metabolize everything you ingested. One common method is to delay your first meal of the day, creating a fasting window that spans several hours. As an example, if your last meal on Monday is 8:00pm, don’t eat again until noon the next day. This would give you a good 16 hour fast.

Hydration plays a crucial role in the recovery process. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out excess sodium, reduce bloating, and support your body’s natural detoxification processes. Adequate hydration is also essential for overall well-being, and it is important to drink water during a fast.

Incorporate both cardiovascular exercise and strength training into your day. Cardiovascular activities, such as running or cycling, help boost your metabolism and burn additional calories. Strength training, on the other hand, builds muscle mass, which can contribute to an increased resting metabolic rate. Strive for a combination of both for a well-rounded day after.

Approach your exercise routine with moderation and consideration for your body’s recovery needs. Avoid extreme measures, as excessively restrictive diets or overly strenuous workouts may lead to negative consequences rather than positive outcomes. The point is to move your body to get your heart pumping and blood flowing.

Ensure you prioritize rest and recovery. Quality sleep is crucial for overall well-being and plays a significant role in metabolic health. Giving your body the time it needs to recover is an essential component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Remember, occasional deviations from your routine are a natural part of life and holidays should be enjoyed. Instead of framing it as “cheating,” view it as an adjustment of your daily routine for a day. Enjoy your holidays and a day off from your routine won’t cause any lasting effects unless it becomes a habit.

Until Next Time,

Dr. Michael Guadagnino

Chiropractic Physician

To reach Dr. Guadagnino at his Ramsey, NJ office: email and follow him on Instagram @Dr._Guadagnino & YouTube @Dr.MichaelGuadagnino

The Reason We Require Supplements

The need for supplements arises from various factors associated with modern food production and lifestyle choices. While it is true that our food supply is abundant, it is also true that the nutritional content of many foods has been compromised due to several reasons.

One primary factor contributing to the depletion of nutrients in our food is industrial agricultural practices. Large-scale farming often prioritizes high yields and fast growth over nutrient density. Crops are frequently grown in nutrient-depleted soils that have been overused and not given sufficient time to replenish essential minerals. As a result, the fruits, vegetables, and grains produced in such soils may lack the full spectrum of nutrients that they would ideally provide.

Additionally, the widespread use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture can impact the nutrient content of crops. These chemicals may alter the soil composition and interfere with the plants’ ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. Consequently, the final products harvested from these fields may not be as nutritionally rich as their counterparts grown in more natural and nutrient-dense conditions.

Food processing and storage also play a role in nutrient depletion. Many processed foods undergo refining and packaging processes that strip them of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients. Moreover, the long shelf life of processed foods often relies on the addition of preservatives, which can further compromise nutritional value.

Furthermore, the transportation and storage of fresh produce can lead to nutrient loss. Fruits and vegetables are typically harvested before they are fully ripe to withstand long journeys and extended shelf times. This premature harvesting can result in produce with lower nutrient levels compared to fully ripened counterparts.

While supplements can help fill nutritional gaps, it’s important to note that they are not a substitute for a balanced and nutritious diet. Ideally, individuals should strive to consume a diverse range of nutrient-dense foods to obtain as many vitamins and minerals as possible. However, given the challenges in the modern food supply chain, supplements are a valuable complement to support overall health and well-being.

Until Next Time,

Dr. Michael Guadagnino

Chiropractic Physician

To reach Dr. Guadagnino at his Ramsey, NJ office: email and follow him on Instagram @Dr._Guadagnino & YouTube @Dr.MichaelGuadagnino

Carpal Tunnel Helped with Cold Laser Therapy

Cold laser therapy is a non-invasive treatment that can be beneficial for people dealing with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). CTS happens when the median nerve in the wrist gets squeezed, causing pain, numbness, and weakness in the hand and fingers. Cold laser therapy uses low-level light to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes and reduce symptoms.

One way cold laser therapy helps is by easing inflammation. In CTS, inflammation can put pressure on the median nerve. The low-level laser light goes through the skin and reaches the affected area, where it may help to calm down inflammation. This reduction in inflammation can relieve pressure on the median nerve and lessen the symptoms of CTS.

Moreover, cold laser therapy supports the healing of tissues. The light from the laser stimulates tiny structures inside cells called mitochondria, boosting the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is like fuel for cells. This extra energy helps cells repair and regenerate, aiding in the healing of irritated or damaged tissues in the carpal tunnel.

Cold laser therapy also has pain-relieving effects. It can influence how nerves transmit signals and make pain receptors less sensitive. For people with CTS, who often experience pain and discomfort, this therapy can help reduce the feeling of pain. By making nerves less responsive to pain signals, cold laser therapy provides relief to those dealing with the discomfort of carpal tunnel syndrome.

One big advantage of cold laser therapy is that it is non-invasive. Unlike surgery, it doesn’t involve cutting the skin or using medications, which means there’s less risk of side effects. This makes cold laser therapy a good option for people looking for treatments that don’t involve surgery or drugs.

If you are suffering with carpal tunnel syndrome, I would be more than happy to evaluate your condition to see if cold laser therapy can help you. If not, I can recommend you to someone who may offer help. As I always say, it is best to do everything you can prior to surgery, once you cut you can’t uncut.

Until Next Time,

Dr. Michael Guadagnino

Chiropractic Physician

To reach Dr. Guadagnino at his Ramsey, NJ office: email and follow him on Instagram @Dr._Guadagnino & YouTube @Dr.MichaelGuadagnino